Today’s post is a quick blog announcement to let you know that Mora Pandora’s web address has changed! :) The site has moved from to a new web address at:
– so please make a note of the new address and update your bookmarks! ^^ The old URL will redirect automatically to the new one while you’re getting used to it, too.
I’ve been blogging with for two years now and it’s been fantastic, but I wanted to be able to customise the site a bit more and really make it my own. Consequently I felt it was time to move away from and go it alone!
This shouldn’t affect your usual use of the site at all. Having said that, this has been quite a big move for the site and I will now be doing all the technical stuff myself as well, so please bear with me if anything goes pear-shaped at any point in the next few days. ;) I’ve been reading up a lot in preparation but this is still pretty new to me.
Anyway, that’s it! It would be wonderful, too, if you could let me know if you encounter any issues using the site going forward – whether that be to do with broken links, the mobile site, slow site speed, anything. Thank you all! :)
Congratulations Ellie and good luck! :)
That was a lovely first comment to get, thank you Marina :D
Looking forward all the way from St.Maarten.
Success! ??
Thank you so much! It’s so appreciated ❤️
Hi Ellie,
Congratulations! I love reading your blog, it’s fantastic. Keep up the hard work.
Debbie x
Hi Debbie,
Thank you so much for your kind words! I appreciate it and hope you continue to enjoy :)
Ellie x
New website has been bookmarked….<3
Thank you so much, Emily!
Have saved new website. Love reading your blog.
Yay thank you so much Sarah! I’ve been so nervous about doing this, but all seems okay so far. :D
So excited for you Ellie! Will look forward to typing in your new site, will need to get that muscle memory changed ;-)
Aha, I love that Mora Pandora is one of your ‘muscle memory’ sites. Hopefully shouldn’t take too long to get to the new one ;) Thank you, Natalie! <3
Of course it is, I always have to check for a new post ;-)
Aha, that has cheered me up immensely! Thanks Natalie. ^^
Love your blog! Can’t wait to see wait it brings us this year !
Thank you Alex! <3
Congratulations! Excited to see your changes and news going forward.
Thank you very much, Ivanka! :D There will be a new look Mora Pandora in the not-so-distant future, but I am going to let the blog bed into its new home first. ;)
Just on Perlen at the mo and they have some of the silver animals in stock, not sure what you’re after for your new bracelet design but just thought I’d let you know.
Good luck with the new site; you’re always my first stop for the latest Pandora news (Pandora themselves are useless compared to you!)
Awesome, thank you for the heads-up! I just had a mosey, and they have the little silver duckie and some really nice retired pieces, too. They still have the silver chicken which has long been out of production :o I am tempted!
That’s so nice to hear, thank you. :D Touch wood, everything seems to be going smoothly enough so far!
Yay! This new format will be cool. Hope you gave a great time customizing this blog!
Thanks Cindy! <3 Once I've recovered from moving everything all over, I will get around to doing the customisation haha.
All the best for your new blog my dear Ellie!
I knew it you are a Supergirl, but I can’t keep up with all your skills! :-) I am (obviously!) a great admirer of your work and can’t wait to chat with you in this new environment!
Best wishes for your undoubtedly successful new step! ♡♡♡
Thank you, Chrysa! <3 I'm glad it's finally done so I can stop worrying about it. And then I can get around to seeing what I can do now with the layout. :D Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it - and I look forward to all our future chats too! ♡♡♡
:-) SAVED!
Wouldn’t want to miss a single post!!!
Big hug and good luck with your new site!
xo :-)
Aw, that put a smile on my face! Thank you, and hugs to you too <3 xx
any news on next rue la la sale? I’ve gotten some great deals..thanks
Hi Shelly, the last one only finished in late December so I don’t imagine the next one will be for a little while – perhaps in February. :) I’ve got some great deals from Rue lately as well!
Congratulations, Ellie! I wish you the very best of luck!
Thank you, Angie! :D
Keep up your hard work to bring us joy!
Thanks Michele! I hope you continue to enjoy. ^^
That was an extremely smooth transition! Well done Ellie =D.
Congrats on the new site and such a big new step forward! Great start to the new year, yay! ^^ xxx.
Hehe, there were a couple of stressful moments behind the scenes ;) Thank you, Suzy, I appreciate the support! xxx
Hi Ellie! Congratulations on your progress so far! We’re all behind you and appreciate your efforts. Reading and participating in your blog site certainly makes our bead collecting (addiction?!) more fun!
Hi Judy! Thank you so much for your encouragement, it’s been so lovely reading through the comments on this post :D chatting with all of you certainly makes my bead collecting a lot of fun!
Congratulations Ellie, I always look forward to reading your blog and seeing the lovely pictures. Thanks!
I’m so pleased to hear that, thank you Bebe! <3
Good luck Ellie! I love your blog. I’m a constant old reader from Hungary :-)
Thank you very much, Ildi! It’s nice to meet you, I hope you continue to enjoy the blog :D
Hoi Ellie,
I enjoy your blog very much :-)
Keep up the good work.
Greeting, Nellie
Hi Nellie, thank you very much for reading, and for your kind words! Hope you continue to enjoy! Ellie
New website and new poster :-). I’ve been stalking for a while now but thought I’d better introduce myself ;-). I live just north of Manchester, the Trafford Centre used to be my closest Pandora store but they have opened one in Bury now, I haven’t had chance to go to check it out yet :-/. I tend to buy online from the Jewel Hut or John Greed, although for the recent sale I ended up using Ascotidiamonds and Swag as they had more stuff and better offers :-O. I always enjoy reading your reviews, I particularly liked seeing your kitten, any chance of an updated photo? xx
Hi Pat, it’s very nice to meet you. :D I have never been to Manchester or the Trafford centre, but I think I have heard good things about it. I tend to do a lot of my Pandora shopping online these days. ^^ Both the retailers you mentioned are great, but it’s always worth shopping around in the sales. You never know where you’re going to find a gem you’ve been looking for for a long time!

Of course, my lovely Billy cat has grown a lot since that photo haha. Here he is now (you can click the links for pictures!):
He is well-endowed in the whisker and eyebrow departments. ;)
And for comparison – I found these pictures of him as a very little kitten (before we had him) yesterday. Sooo little!
Wow he’s grown so much, I can’t believe how long I must have been stalking this blog :-O. He’s adorable :-D.
I managed to get the Easter bunny and the mouse in a tea cup £6 cheaper :-O, and ascoti had discounted everything so I got the icecream for £28 :-).
Haha, thank you, he’s almost seven months old now! There’s not much of the kitten left in him. Do you have cats as well then?
Awesome, I got the Easter Bunny as well! There were some nice silvers in the sale :D
Yes, I have a rescue cat that we’ve had for almost 4 years now; they said she was 3 when we got her. Her name is Kitna and she has her own website, I presume that you can see the website that I include in my posts but it doesn’t show up on the blog ;-). We’d had to say goodbye to our old cat the previous October :-(, we’d had her for 15 years and reckoned she was about 2 when we got her. She moved in with us when our neighbours next door but one moved out and left her behind :-O.
Oh lovely! I hadn’t noticed the website before you said – but awww, Kitna is lovely! And I love your captions for each of the photos haha. I get like that about both Billy and my puppy (well, she’s two now – but she still seems like a puppy to me!).
People can see your website if they click your name at the top of your comment :)
I’m sorry to hear about your old cat. :( My childhood dog died at 15 in December 2014, just before Christmas – while you might logically know that that is a good and long life for an animal, it doesn’t seem it at the time does it. I still miss him! <3
Oh, I didn’t know that, I’ll have to look out for other people whose names are blue and clickable and see what fun lies there :-D.
I’m glad you like my website :-D, I had fun building it but I haven’t added anything for ages :-/. I used to do it as a blog on WordPress too and I did do more back then; I really should start up again ;-). So sorry to hear about your dog :-(, it’s heart-breaking, I know, I still miss Ozzy :-(. x
Aha yes, good plan. Sometimes people from other charm blogs comment as well and you can discover some more Pandora-y goodness that way :D
You should start up your wordpress blog again! <3 Then you can regularly update people on Kitna's adventures, haha. x
ellie congrats on the new website always look forward to what news you have and to see your lovely bracelets.
Thank you, Debbie :D that’s so nice of you to say, especially about the bracelets, haha. I hope you continue to enjoy it!
Awesome!!! I remember when I got started it took me weeks to figure it out, now that I have everything settled I forgot how to do it again!
Thanks :D It was a little complicated, especially considering the fact that I had to try and move the existing blog with no downtime! I hope that you won’t have to deal with it again, haha. ^^
Hi, I wanted to ask some advice on some pandora charms that I bought/my husband bought but I wasn’t sure how to contact you on here so apologies if this ends up as a reply to someone elses comment!!
Sarah :)
Hi Sarah! Not a problem, I am happy to have a look for you although it can be v. hard to tell via email/pics. My email address is – send them to me there!
Hi Ellie
Thanks, I have emailed you now.
Any advice you can give would be greatly received as im not convinced either are authentic!
Sarah :)
Hi Sarah, I’ve received the email and will reply when I have a minute! :) Ellie