It’s been a while since Pandora did a stand-alone limited edition release, but today we have news of a limited edition charm exclusive to France! This is one for Pandora gold lovers; the Forever Paris charm is a new 14-carat gold version of the beautiful Pandora Eiffel Tower pendant, studded with diamonds.

Pandora Limited Edition Forever Paris

Read on for all the details, including pricing, release date and availability! <3

Pandora Forever Paris Limited Edition Charm

The Forever Paris charm is a rather special release made of yellow gold, and it is accented with two brilliant-cut diamonds. There will only be 500 of them made, and each charm will be engraved with its number from 1 to 500!

Pandora Limited Edition Forever Paris

At 599€, this charm is way out of my price range, but it is very pretty nevertheless. The Eiffel Tower pendant has always been one of my favourite Pandora charms (it was my first ever dangle charm), and I love the little hearts hidden away at the base.

This charm will be available from selected Pandora stores in France from the 16th of June. 

My Comment

I love the fact that this charm is actually numbered 1 to 500, which is not something we’ve seen on limited edition Pandora charms before. It guarantees that what you’re getting is something hard to find and a real collector’s item. I’m envious of any of the lucky ladies (or gents) who can afford to purchase this one!

What do you think of this latest LE charm from Pandora?

89 Comments on Pandora LE Forever Paris Charm

  1. Hi Ellie,

    For me the price is to high, and I always thinking that for only 14 carat ( in France we have more 18 carat then 14) the pandora’s prices are too high !
    No matter, I always found more to buy in silver ;)

    Nice day ;)

    • Hi Isabelle! I agree, Pandora’s gold pieces are way too expensive for me! I don’t have a single one – but they’re still nice to look at, haha. I will also settle for my silver Eiffel Tower charm ^^

      Have a nice day too!

  2. Hello Ellie, OMG it’s beautiful!! I don’t have the tower in my travel bracelet because I start using Pandora after my vacations there, and in my country the stores only have the plain silver. This one is incredible but it’s out of my range too. Maybe in a next vacation I can find the silver tower with the gold heart or, like in other countries, a special murano.

    • Hi Priscilla! It is gorgeous isn’t it? But the two-tone version with the little gold heart is beautiful, too. I hope you manage to find one! <3

  3. Beautiful! I predict this is one that you could sell later for way more than the high price it already is…especially if you can get a real low number. Love the fact that it is numbered. I don’t collect gold charms because i am not really a fan of gold but this one is beautiful. I also don’t live in France so this one won’t be coming home with me. I think the price reflects more the fact that it is a limited edition as well as the fact that it is gold.

    • Yeah, the fact that it’s actually numbered will definitely add to its value! :) I expect that’s factored into the price, like you say. I don’t collect Pandora gold either, mainly because it’s just too expensive, but I love this charm! Not enough to pay 599 euros, but still ;)

  4. Ellie,

    I love the Eiffel Tower Charm, a few years ago when I was visiting Paris I purchased the silver version with the gold heart . I love the little gold accent. As for the LE 14k, I guess Pandora is looking to appeal to the tourist with more cash to spare, more cash than I have for my souvenirs. gorgeous charm, well done Pandora. This is out of my price range & Igree with Tammy that it will most likely increase in value but I think I would be too nervous to wear it & leaving it in a box as an investment piece isn’t my thing.
    Personally, I prefer what they did with the Opera Ball charm, a unique piece, LE and something I won’t feel nervous wearing. If Pandora were to do an LE silver version with diamonds or CZ I might be tempted.

    Lisa K.

    • Hi Lisa! I got my Eiffel Tower charm in Paris, too, but it was before the version with the little gold heart came out :) Both are lovely though! And yep this one is definitely looking at tourism and someone wanting a super special souvenir I suspect… my OH pointed out that France is hosting Euro 2016 this summer and that they’re probably looking to take advantage of the influx of tourists.
      I would love to see some more LE silver pieces with a more limited run… it would be fun to see some charms that were genuinely HTF again!

  5. This is beautiful, I want it so badly! If only I could afford that price tag!! I’ll add it to my list of dream charms!!! Xx

    • Aha, my list of dream charms keeps on growing as well! ^^ I don’t think I’ll ever catch up! xx

  6. It’s very pretty and I’m pleased that it’s diamonds not cubic zirconia as I think if it’s gold it has to have diamonds with it. It’s way, way out of my price range and I’m not too keen on the landmark dangles for myself. I do think they are a nice souvenir though but just not to my taste. I also like the idea of numbering each one and I hope they do that with other limited/special releases. Like some of the previous comments I like silver or white gold more than yellow gold but I am really tempted with the gold essence. Especially the ones still on sale like ‘intuition’. But I think a single gold bead or dangle can look really elegant on a bracelet and I think this would look pretty worn like that. I imagine it would look cute as a necklace pendant too.

    • Absolutely, I really dislike it when they put CZs with 14kt gold or even with the two-tone charms. It cheapens it a bit. It would be nice to see them number other LE releases, but they currently make them on too large a scale for it to be practical. It would be nice if they did a few really special collectors’ LE items with much more limited runs, just for something for the fans, and not quite so mass produced! :)
      This one would be lovely as a necklace pendant, I totally agree. I’m not really a yellow gold person either, but I like it on two-tone charms and the Essence beads as well.

      • Totally out of my price range but if I was gifted this, I agree I would wear it as a necklace. You would really want to make a feature of it.

        • Definitely! I wouldn’t want a full on yellow gold bracelet, but I’d love a simpler necklace with a gold pendant :)

  7. It certainly is tempting. I have all of the silver destination dangles that have been released in the U.S. They were a bear to style, but I could still make room for another if I could get to Paris June 16. Good thing I can’t!

    • Aha, it sounds like the geographical restrictions on this one are saving a few ladies from putting down the 599 euros! ^^ I have two destination dangles, Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower, but I’d definitely get more if I visited more of the icons! :)

    • Wow. That’s impressive that you have and have seen all locations of the destination dangles.

      You must come and visit Sydney. I still remember the loud excited squeal from our German exchange student when we detoured and drove her past the Sydney Opera House after collecting her from Sydney airport. She was beyond excited.

      • Australia is high on my travel bucket list, especially the Sydney Opera House, Ayers Rock and the Great Barrier Reef.

    • I used to live in Paris when I was little, and I’ve been back a few times over the years, so it has plenty of meaning to me – but I’ll stick to the silver version for now I think! ;)

  8. Aha… I think they’ve taken a leaf out of the Ohm beads LE releases where they have little certificates with the charms that tell you the number from 1-555 or so that you’ve purchased! However, they’ve gone a step further with the actual engraving of the number on it which would probably increase in value with “special” numbers! lol.

    It’s a very pretty little dangle all in gold but I’m not sure about the black numbering and wearing it out… as yes I probably would be too nervous to wear it! LOL. The price tag is a true collectors item but I prefer the two tone one with the little gold heart at the top to this one for some reason. It just has that edge.. Now if it had the little heart dangling on the top with a little diamond, that would have won me over totally :P hahaha… I can dream on for this charm and admire its beauty from afar…. :D

    Great post Ellie Ellie xxx <3

    • Ohm’s monthly limited edition has the serial number engraved on the charm as well. Due to their designs, some can be easy to spot whereas some will require a high power magnifying glass to help spot. I’ve got the Hug Me with the number 660! :D

      • omgosh I didn’t even realise my little Ohm beads had a number actually on it… (fairly new to Ohm) I just thought they had the certificates …. oops :P ahaha… I think it’s time I got a magnifying glass hehe… Oh!!! How delightful! I’m still waiting for mine to arrive :D I can’t wait <3

    • Numbering is not an uncommon practice for limited edition items… it’s just that Pandora usually make such vast quantities of each LE bead that numbering them would be meaningless. ‘Oh I have number… 222,457! Yay!’ :P

      The numbering looks more natural in person, or it looks that way from another photo I just saw of it… It’s still black not quite so stark. Oh my gosh, I think you’ve just made this charm even better – if it had a little dangling diamond heart, that would have been amazing! Not that it isn’t already, but still. ^^

      Thanks for commenting Suzy! xxx

      • Hahaha! I seriously laughed when I saw that…. “Oh I have number 222,457!” LOL! That;s exactly how I feel with some of the Pandora LE’s! I’d love to have a golden Eiffel Tower with a diamond dangle heart hooked on top like the two tone omg :D Now if they did an LE with that, I can see the goldies coming to collect it haha :D

        • Lol it does detract from the specialness, especially when multiple LE beads have ended up going in sales and being sold off at a discount :(
          Haha! We should be on the Pandora design time ^^ now wouldn’t that be a fun job!

    • It is! :D They can’t do this with their other LE charms because they simply make too many to number them all. This one is really fun!

  9. It’s gorgeous, but way too pricey for my budget. Have to win a lottery in order to afford it. Haha… I have always love the effiel tower dangle but m not very sure to get the one with gold heart or just the plain silver. Plain silver is more budget friendly though.

    • Aha, if I won the lottery, I have a few dream Pandora beads that I’d end up getting! Including the Christ charm ^^ I have the plain silver Eiffel Tower, but only because I bought it back in 2012 before the two-tone version came out. I think the two-tone one is prettiest, but both are lovely!

  10. Very beautiful, but way out of my price range! Do like the numbering idea though for LE items like this one though :)

    • I really like the numbering as well, it makes it seem that bit more special! They produce their regular LE beads in too high quantities to be able to number them though :(

    • I really like the numbering as well! :) It would be fun if they did a few runs of exclusive silver beads for various countries in the same style… those would definitely sell out!

  11. Hi Ellie! This gold Eiffel tower is definitely stunning. Such a lovely collector’s item! But, wow the price is incredibly high! I will have to pass on this one! I don’t have a single gold charm yet either! I have considered the gold Tropicana charm, but the gold charms are just too expensive!

    • Hi Carol! It is lovely, but way too expensive! But then I also think that about all the gold charms, so I wasn’t ever really considering this one. ^^ It’s very nice to look at though!

  12. I love the look of this Eiffel Tower charm, but won’t get it due to the high price and I don’t really do gold Pandora. It’s a great design though <3

    Off topic, but I've found a few photos on Facebook of the new Autumn collection! So exciting, because I've been looking since Friday! Search "pandora jck" and set date of post to 2016, and there is a girl who posted an album that contains a snap of the catalog with stock images and the front of the brochure. They aren't the best quality and I'm no expert in improving photos, but what I can make out is a Pandora version of those clear lockets that open and you put little charms in, like Origami Owl or Blue La Rue or Story Lockets. There are 2 new Radiant Heart charms, I'm not sure what color, 1 looks like a pink/purple and the other is either clear or a very light blue/purple. New safety chain, I can't tell what it is. A couple of those dangle charms that have multiple things hanging off them. A heart with writing on it. A new open bangle, I'm not sure if it's meant for charms but it's very possible it's the type with the 2 screw on/off ends, the writing says "Pandora Signature Bangle" but I can't tell if the ends come off or not. There "might" be a new owl and dog, or I might just be blind but that's what they look like to me! Lots of decorative pave charms. I'm hoping some clearer pictures are going to start appearing, but I wonder if they didn't let people take pictures this time? Just doesn't seem to be much out there yet.

    • Oh my…… I search for the pictures after reading your comment. I can see the 2 radiant hearts and a new safety chain. Other than that can’t make out much, but think there seems to b some heart shaped charms and button like charms. The new bangle looks interesting. Those transparent locket round pendant looks cute. Can’t wait for the proper, clear pictures to be out.

    • I zoomed in some more, I think the first 2 charms on the page are head charms of a little boy prince and little girl princess, the next 2 are what look like a dog and owl to me. In the 3rd row by the radiant hearts is a heart charm called opulent heart that looks pretty and detailed. I think on the last row are 2 of the new thin silicone clips, one called row of hearts that looks like just silver (I hope) and another Shining Path with a thin strip of pave I think.

    • Lol I don’t do gold Pandora either – much as I would like to, from time to time!

      Wow, you are a super sleuth Natalie :) I had a look earlier today and couldn’t work out much more than you. Love the idea of putting the little charms in the locket, that’s such a neat idea. It looks to me like the safety chain is also silicone lined and maybe designed with the threadless bracelet in mind? It’s kind of hard to make a judgement on any of these pieces without seeing clearer photos, but the silver character charms look really encouraging and I’m pretty confident that that’s a plain silver silicone clip, maybe called ‘Row of Hearts’?

      I think you might be right about the top row being a dog, although at first I was wanting it to be a fox… it doesn’t look like there are any Halloween pieces does it? Although there is one pavé bead that looks kind of like a snowflake/cobweb?

      There was a definite embargo on photos last time, I don’t think we got any pictures actually from JCK. Stock images just came out around the same time. :)

      • Yeah, the lockets are cute, I have a stainless steel heart locket in this concept (Blue La Rue), it has some Swarovski crystals and a silver heart floating inside. Luckily for my wallet I never got into buying more charms for it but I love it as is.

        I agree, I think Row of Hearts will be a plain silver silicone clip, if so I’m definitely interested as long as the price is reasonable!

        Aww, I totally forgot about looking for Halloween charms! That would have been fun :-) But it seems Pandora has given up on Halloween :-(

        • I wonder if you can just put regular charms in it. It looks from the catalogue shot like there are sets of mini charms that you should wear with it, which makes sense I guess.

          They do seem to have given up on it :( I guess it doesn’t fit in with the hearts & flowers ethos they have these days. Although I’d be happy if that did prove to be a cobweb, and I guess the owl is kind of Halloweeny…!

        • If these Pandora lockets are like the other concepts I’ve seen of this, regular charms would not fit as the locket is fairly small inside. You can wear regular charms or dangles on the necklace with it. It looks like Pandora will have sets of 3 mini charms you can buy to put inside. Will be interesting to see pricing.

        • If Pandora does not come out with any Halloween charms this Fall, I’m going to get my first Trollbeads bracelet!

        • Aha, good threat Angie! ^^ I always hold out hope for more Pandora Halloween charms, although it does seem like they’ve moved away from that kind of thing a bit..

  13. This charm is beautiful! but the price is shockingly high for 14kt gold. I would purchase it if i could get my hand on a charm that was number between 1 – 10. Do you think that 1 – 10 will be sold in Paris only? My partner is French so this charm would be very idea and I am quite confident that this will be a very expensive collector’s item in the long term future. For anyone who purchases the charm – please let me know what number you have and which city you bought it from, thanks!

    • Sorry i just saw your last line that it will be sold in France. Perfect, because we will be at the Cannes Festival from about 22nd June. However, I have a feeling that 1 – 10 will be in Paris and not Cannes :(

      • I’ve also just checked and my partner flies back from Lyon, France on the 15th June for the Euro Cup- dammit!! Missed out by a day. The 16th of June release date is also a special date for us as it will be our 9 year anniversary and we will be getting married on 16 June next year. So definitely need to get this charm, if i can :)

        • Wow, this charm does seem kind of made for you – all those details are lining up! :) I really hope that you can get one. <3

  14. I absolutely love this charm! I would buy it in a heartbeat if I could fly to Paris! I don’t care how expensive it is. I’d make it the centerpiece on my bracelet. It’s breaking my heart I won’t be able to obtain it. I love Paris & hope to travel there again soon. If only….<3

    • Aw, I’m sorry it’s out of your reach! :( I’m hearing that many stores only received one of this charm, so it’s hard to get help with this one as well…

  15. This charm is truly special! Not only is it 14k gold but it has diamonds and is numbered? I love it! Like so many other bloggers though it is way out of my price range. I too have the sterling version and I love it. Thanks for the review and sharing it with us!

  16. It is super but what a lot of money! I live in the Netherlands, we have a Pandora sale here and I bought the Eifeltower with golden heart with 30% discount; 48 euro now!

    • Hi Nellie. Where do you live in the Netherlands? I live in Belgium and saw the 30% discount at the estore of Pandora. I wished they would such discounts over here also.

      • Hallo Marina,

        I bought it in the online Pandora store,
        It is also availeble in the dutch concept stores for example in Arnhem where I live.

  17. Omg!!!My Hubby surprised me with special numbered PANDORA FOREVER PARIS 14K Diamond EIFFEL TOWER 20/500 purchased on 20/06/2016 .. For our Upcoming 15th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!! I cannot even believe even MY PANDORA NUMBER & PURCHASE DATE matched … LOVE HIM FOREVER !!! As ALWAYS !!!just thought I’d share my happiness with everyone CAUSE …EIFFEL TOWER is a Symbol of LOVE ????

    • That’s amazing!!! I’m in the US and would love one of these… If you have any insight on how to get one here, please let me know!

  18. Loved your review on the “forever Paris ” gold charm and honestly thought it was just on my wish list and there it would stay
    I’m here to tell you that dreams can come true as I have just purchased number 272 from an Australian lady who got hold of a few and resold them on. I’m so in love with the charm especially as it’s diamonds and gold and no CZ. I agree with you that it cheapens th charm using cz with gold.

    • I doubt it. There were only 500 released. They do pop up in the groups at around $1000, which is around what they cost.

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