Happy new Pandora day! :D Today sees the official release of the Pandora Pre-Autumn 2016 collection – it’s a rather small launch, which is dominated by Pandora’s latest way of friendship charms. To add a little interest, there’s also a selection of zodiac openwork beads, an adorable little Koala charm and a brand-new starry charm bracelet.
As usual, I have put together a selection of live shots of all the new pieces to celebrate the collection’s launch! If you’re looking for a full overview of what’s coming out today, then please check out my preview here – otherwise, read on for some Pre-Autumn 2016 styling inspiration! :D
Pandora Pre-Autumn 2016 Live Shots
Let’s start with a closer look at the zodiac charms – these look gorgeous with existing starry charms. A lot of retailers have been opting to put them together with some vibrant 14kt gold or deep blues to bring out their elegance, too:
The friendship charms are more delicate, with cute pinks and delicate sparkle.
I’ve not managed to track down more live shots of the Koala charm, but for good measure – here’s one from an older post, courtesy of Patty Wu! I just love the amount of detail on Pandora’s animal charms. :D

And, just to finish off with – here’s a gorgeous shot of the new bracelet!

My Comment
I often find that Pandora’s Pre-Autumn collections are a bit hit and miss for me – I loved last year’s, with all its cute pet charms and fun travel themes, but this one is less appealing overall. I adore the bracelet, and I’ve already got one on its way to me, but the friendship charms are a bit too similar to previous designs to truly excite. The zodiac beads are very nicely done, however, and it’s great that they’re affordable and plain silver!
The Koala is working its way on to my wish list, so I may well end up with that one as well ;) It’s a shame that we didn’t get him here in the UK – I’ve noticed that the variation between regions has been getting far more significant than it used to be over the past year or so. It does get confusing!
If you’re in the UK, the Pandora Pre-Autumn collection is now available from authorised retailer John Greed, who are currently offering free delivery on Pandora.
Have you been to see the new pieces in store yet? Will you be buying anything from this launch?
Just on my way to my shop to go and pick up all my reserved pieces with my best friend – naturally we shall be getting at least one of the new friendship charms! Gosh, I even go to work on my days off haha!! Lots of love to you xx
Yay I hope you had fun picking out your new pieces! I was hoping to be able to go this weekend to look at everything but think it will have to be next weekend, now. I did get the new bracelet in the post today though and it is gorgeous! :D
Lol, I would totally go to Pandora on my days off as well if I worked there! And to you, thanks for commenting xx
Love the new bracelet lucky I have nearly filled one so do need another. Apart from that only the koala. Nothing else appeals.
I got the new bracelet in the post today and it is gorgeous! It would be a great choice for your next bracelet :) the koala is the only other piece I’m considering from the collection as well.
I love the new bracelet too (and the heart rose one) so I’m really hoping that they will let us have those in the free bracelet promo come October :-D. I wish they’d do another leather bracelet promo again for those of us in the UK; we haven’t had one for two years so we’re long overdue, I really want the blue one but I can’t justify it without the promo :-/.
I know, I miss the leather promo too! They always used to run it a couple of months before my birthday, too, and I could always count on my OH doing the promo and getting me one for that. I get the feeling they’ve just scrapped it though and that we won’t be seeing it again :( It would be great if we could get the new Rose bracelet as part of a UK bracelet promo though!
The star bracelet is so beautiful. Thank you for the lovely photos.
It is lovely! Mine just arrived in the post and it’s so pretty. I’ve put my Jasmine beads on it :D
You are welcome, glad you enjoyed them!
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for the live shots. The Starry Sky bracelet is my pick from this collection. Hope to see it in person today. Can’t wait to see the wintry blues collection. Will be perfect for this bracelet.
Have A Great Day!
Emily I plan on doing the same thing but am undecided if I should buy the bracelet now or hope for a promo in September wish we knew what was going on.
Hi Debbie,
It sure would be nice if we could have a September promo. Bracelet or charm…I’d take either one! No one seems to know for sure what’s going on and from what I’ve been told , Pandora wants it that way.
At the moment, I would be happy if I could see a list of charms being retired soon. There are a few I would like to get before they leave my store.
Yes, Debbie, the Starry Sky bracelet will be perfect for the beautiful wintry blues. Can’t wait to see the winter release!
I’d like to know what’s going next, as well. The UK retirement list for this season has been brutal, so I hope the US list isn’t quite so long!
Hi Debbie, I hear that the September promo is going to be a ‘spend and save’ kind of promo, where instead of a free bracelet you get a credit towards any Pandora purchase. Will update when I have more info :)
thanks ellie sounds interesting can’t wait to hear more. I was in the store today and picked up the starry sky bracelet, love it and asked about the promo she had only the dates which you have on your promo page but nothing written next to it as to what kind of promo it will be so you as always know more. I did see that here in the states they are really going to be pushing the essence line.
Hi Emily,
I have seen the Starry Sky bracelet; it’s GORGEOUS! Thats a great selection to match with the winter 2016 release! ;) That bracelet just shines and sparkles; a perfect addition to any collection! :)
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for the comment! The bracelet even sparkles in Ellie’s preview. I thought it was going to be gorgeous. The wintry blues are definitely a bonus!
I may give in and purchase it without a promo. As of late, my store seems to be out of sizes.
Hi Margaret! I got mine today and I so agree with you! I can’t decide which side of the clasp I like best ^^
Hi Emily! The starry bracelet is lovely, I got mine today. Did you get to go and see it in person in the end? :D
Have a nice evening and thanks for commenting!
Hi Ellie,
I did see the bracelet today. It is beautiful!!! One of my favorites so far. As hard as it was, I didn’t get it today. I got Romantic Union (was in the last call tray) and the I Love You square charm to go with. Also picked up the LE Mother’s Day bangle and exchanged the Beloved Mother dangle towards my charms. I remember the Ducky and Forest Trinity being in the last call tray. Manager said they still haven’t received their list of charms to be retired. She’s supposed to call me when they get it. No one in the store has heard anything about a September promo, but in a much earlier post, I had relayed what a Pandora Rep had told me about a buy more save more type promo for September. I see in one of your earlier posts today you have heard something to this effect also. Maybe that’s the deal coming up. I must have the Starry Sky bracelet whether we have a promo or not! Glad you got yours today…Enjoy!
Have A Nice Weekend!
Hi, I went yesterday to the store and they showed me some pieces, the starry sky bracelet is amazing, I really going to purchase it, and the zodiac charms are really beautiful, the text it’s very little but I think is better that way, so it confirmed: Taurus is going to come home with the bracelet. I didn’t have time to see the friendly charms, maybe this weekend… ;)
Hi Priscilla! Oooh lovely – the Taurus bead is one of my favourites of the new zodiacs, as the little picture on it is so cute in its own right! It will look lovely with your new bracelet. Mine arrived today as well and I’ve put all my Jasmine beads on it. <3 I'm so pleased with it!
Hope you get to go and see the rest of the collection this weekend too :)
I did like the love and friendship charm, but I don’t like the writing on the sides. The bracelet does look nice, it might be one I get in the future. At the moment I won’t be buying anything, I’m saving my money for the Autumn and Winter collections.
No, I’m not keen on the script either – although apparently it’s not too in your face when you see it in person :) I got the bracelet today and I just love it! There’s something so nice about a Pandora bracelet when it’s new as well- I can never get them quite that shiny again afterwards. ^^ You should definitely consider this one, it’s very pretty.
I saw these in the flesh on Tuesday 7/19 (Lucky me, my Pandora Store had them early), and they are beautiful. Though I am not ready to purchase one yet, these charms are stunning in person. My favorite is the BFF Friendship Charms. They are so delicate, sparkly, and just beautiful for friends to share. Two thumbs up on this collection! :)
Has the Canada flag been released anywhere because it hasn’t been included in the new release in Australia.
Hi Lozzie!
I am so excited Pandora is FINALLY releasing a Canadian Flag Charm! :). I did not see the Canadian Flag. Because there is another Autumn Release in Sept. 1, I am thinking it (along with the remainder Autumn 2016 charms) will be released. But I would definitely check in with Ellie to confirm. I did not see it though. I, too, am excited about that charm as I have beloved family who live in Vancouver. And I used to live in Seattle, Canada was only a hop and a skip away- a beautiful beautiful Country. :)
Hi Margaret! The Canada Heart Flag charm should be out in Canada now (it’s on their website for the Pre-Autumn 2016 collection) but it’s seeing a later launch for Autumn 2016 in some other regions. So that was a good guess! :)
I double-checked on the Canadian charm, and it’s been released in Canada with this collection for sure. I have heard from another source that more regions will be getting for Autumn 2016, but not all of them. :) So you might get it in Australia for September – but I’m not 100% on that.
I am always envious of you lucky ladies over the pond, as our stores here in the UK always stick to the official release dates exactly! Glad to hear that you like the collection, and the friendship beads – they are cute, especially the ones that divide in half! <3
I haven't been able to see them myself yet but I am really excited to!
Beautiful charms. Today Pandora also launched, here in Brazil, a limited edition Rio de Janeiro charm.
Natalia, do you know if there are going to be any special Olympic-themed charms released?
I don’t know what Natalia has heard, but I’ve not been told about anything yet :)
Oh thanks for the heads-up Natalie! I thought they might do something special for Rio :)
I was able to purchase my Sagittarius charm today right before the store closed. I’m very pleased.
Yay! :D Enjoy your new charm. I was hoping to go and see the new beads and all the zodiacs this weekend but think I will have to wait now. I’m excited to see them though!
I will hold on until free bracelet or charm promotion in Sept, I had spend enough for retired two toned charm in outlet. It is good for me to take 2 months break until next promotion.
Very sensible Michele! Two months is a long time – you have more patience than I do!
I bought the bracelet straightaway, it’s so beautiful and I think I’ll get another one before too long. My plain clasp ones look strange now haha!!
Me too! My must-have from the collection – it arrived today and I just love it. :D But I still love my traditional barrel clasps as well haha.
I really love the new bracelet, and it would match perfectly if I transferred my wintry blue/starry night theme onto it. But I have a bit of a dilemma because I also love the clear pave barrel clasp bracelet, which is where I currently have it. I don’t have another bracelet design planned right now (aside from putting all of my Christmas beads on one bracelet, which I intend to use the upcoming red pave barrel clasp bracelet for), so I don’t know what I’d do with my clear pave clasp bracelet if I got the new one. Decisions, decisions!
I have the same dilemma about the bracelet. The new starry one matched well with my blue starry bracelet that is on pave heart clasp. If I transferred that over, I can use pave heart clasp for a Christmas bracelet I’m building. But at the same time, I need the new TT for my TT charms design that is on my plain heart clasp bracelet. If I get both new bracelet I will have an extra bracelet that I do not have a design for. I have to make a tough decision to make.
I’m sure you’d think of something to do with the pavé barrel clasp, Joanne, it’s so versatile! You could always keep it back, and then when you see a charm from an upcoming collection that inspires you, use it to start a new design with that? :)
Hi can you please help?? I went to buy the new jewellery box that was supposed to come out on the 21st but both Pandora Store & Mococo didn’t know anything about it @ all until I showed them your pic ?? it was supposed to be my Birthday Present for Sunday 24th & I was so upset as don’t love near a store so was so looking forward to going on,viewing and buying as hubby took me away for the weekend Kind Regards xx
Hi Rachel, what new jewellery box was that? :) Could you link me to the pic you mean? xx